Signing files

Signing a file can show that it came from you and wasn't modified.

Kryptor will use your signing private key to create a signature file for each file/file in a directory you specify. Sharing the file, signature file, and your public key allows other people to verify the signature for that file.

This requires a signing key pair, which can be generated as follows:

$ kryptor -g

Please select a key pair type (type 1 or 2):
1) Encryption
2) Signing

Enter a passphrase (leave empty for a random one):

Retype passphrase:

Deriving encryption key from passphrase...

Public key: Ed//L2CzmImpu9UA6HFjllemS4TVaE84PdTTrTNc5i6gxFU=
Public key file: "C:\Users\samuel-lucas6\.kryptor\signing.public"

Private key file: "C:\Users\samuel-lucas6\.kryptor\signing.private" - Keep this secret!

IMPORTANT: Please back up these files to external storage (e.g. memory sticks).

Or non-interactively like so:

$ kryptor -g -s -p:"dy#p}hIJBKSZ*M3b6I)!6iAK@"
  • You should back up the private key file to external storage (e.g. memory sticks).

  • Never share your private key file! Keep it secret and offline!

You can either share your public key:

  • As a string (easiest): Ed//L2CzmImpu9UA6HFjllemS4TVaE84PdTTrTNc5i6gxFU=

  • As a .public file (more long-term): ~/.kryptor/signing.public

Before signing, you will be asked to decrypt your private key using your passphrase. For security reasons, this involves a slight delay.

Here's an example of how to use your default signing private key:

$ kryptor -s

Enter your private key passphrase:

Here's an example of how to use a private key not stored in the default folder:

$ kryptor -s -x:"C:\Users\samuel-lucas6\Documents\signing.private"

Enter your private key passphrase:

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