Entering a passphrase

To ensure that files/private keys can always be decrypted, only use ASCII characters in passphrases. For example, use a password manager to randomly generate passwords/passphrases.


There are three ways of entering a passphrase interactively:

  1. Press Enter on your keyboard (instead of typing anything) to randomly generate a secure passphrase, which will be displayed in the terminal. Make sure you copy this passphrase into a password manager.

  2. Type in your passphrase, press Enter on your keyboard, and retype the passphrase.

  3. Paste your passphrase by right-clicking, press Enter on your keyboard, and paste the passphrase again.

Here's what randomly generating a passphrase looks like:

$ kryptor -e -p file.txt

Enter a passphrase (leave empty for a random one):

Randomly generated passphrase: lethargic-shivering-confirm-doable-unlearned-fragility-aim-glitch

Here's what typing a passphrase looks like:

$ kryptor -e -p file.txt

Enter a passphrase (leave empty for a random one):

Retype passphrase:


Instead of the above, you can specify -p:"[passphrase]" like so:

$ kryptor -e -p:"YeV$Ra7{_IJ]nN2v1m,ei9d+T" file.txt

To randomly generate a passphrase this way, you can specify -p:" " like so:

$ kryptor -e -p:" " file.txt

Randomly generated passphrase: dumpster-roundup-unviable-sanitizer-unsecured-budget-sinner-shindig

This method of passphrase entry can also be used for encrypting and decrypting a private key (e.g. for generating a key pair, encrypting files with a private key, or signing files). However, you must specify -x|--private alongside non-interactive passphrase entry for file encryption/decryption.

Here are some examples:

$ kryptor -g -p:"w*%Ul=j.F>1e{6H,+#ZWhXYUl"
$ kryptor -e -x -p:"1yF+k5l9zezPB}R]Pe+|*;sra" file.txt
$ kryptor -d -x -p:"1yF+k5l9zezPB}R]Pe+|*;sra" file.txt.bin
$ kryptor -s -p:"w*%Ul=j.F>1e{6H,+#ZWhXYUl" file.txt

This shouldn't be used if someone else may see your screen.

Last updated